rails new rubyblog // create new project
database.yml: by default, use SQlit3
rails generate controller home index//home controller, index view
controller name usually are plural, model is single
Posts: the following attributes are automatically generated
id: integer (primary key)
create_date: timestamp
update_date: timestamp
title: string
category_id: integer (foreign key)
database association
post belongs_to category
category has_many post
rails console//enter into console mode
category = Category.new(attributes) //create a new instance of a class
//in database, this create an instance of a record
//in order to save the record
//2 -> 1 step
category = Category.save(attributes)
ps: rails 4 doesn't allow mass assignment. instead of attr_accessible :username, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, use Strong parameter (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23437830/undefined-method-attr-accessible\
要不然无法assign values to record in db