TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a transport-layer protocol, responsible for establish a connection between two machines.

TCP consists of 2 protocols: TCP and UDP (User Datagram Package). TCP is reliable, each packet has a sequence number, and an acknowledgement is expected. A packet will be re-transmitted if it is not received by the receiver. Packet delivery is guaranteed in TCP. UDP does not guarantee packet delivery, and is therefore not reliable. However, UDP has less network overhead and can be used for applications such as video and audio streaming, where reliability is not critical.

Port 80 is HTTP default port number. HTTP can use other port number (1024-65535) such as 8000, 8080, especially for test server. You could also run multiple HTTP servers in the same machine on different port numbers. You need to explicitly specify the port number in the URL, e.g. the server is listening at port 8000 and not the default port 80.

In brief, to communicate over TCP/IP, you need to know (a) IP address or hostname, (b) Port number.

TCP/IP three-way handshake(establish TCP connection). This is a three step process where the client and the server exchange SYN(synchronize) and ACK(acknowledge) messages to establish a connection.

  1. Client machine sends a SYN packet to the server over the internet asking if it is open for new connections.

  2. If the server has open ports that can accept and initiate new connections, it’ll respond with an ACKnowledgment of the SYN packet using a SYN/ACK packet.

  3. The client will receive the SYN/ACK packet from the server and will acknowledge it by sending an ACK packet.

Then a TCP connection is established for data transmission!

TCP Header

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) header is the first 24 bytes of a TCP segment that contains the parameters and state of an end-to-end TCP socket. The TCP header is used to track the state of communication between two TCP endpoints.

ACK: Acknowledgement Flag

SYN: Synchronize Flag,

FIN: End of data, Indicates end of the TCP session


Why 3-way?


当客户A 没有东西要发送时就要释放 A 这边的连接,A会发送一个报文(没有数据),其中 FIN 设置为1, 服务器B收到后会给应用程序一个信,这时A那边的连接已经关闭,即A不再发送信息(但仍可接收信息)。 A收到B的确认后进入等待状态,等待B请求释放连接, B数据发送完成后就向A请求连接释放,也是用FIN=1 表示, 并且用 ack = u+1(如图), A收到后回复一个确认信息,并进入 TIME_WAIT 状态, 等待 2MSL 时间。





【注意】在TIME_WAIT状态中,如果TCP client端最后一次发送的ACK丢失了,它将重新发送。TIME_WAIT状态中所需要的时间是依赖于实现方法的。典型的值为30秒、1分钟和2分钟。等待之后连接正式关闭,并且所有的资源(包括端口号)都被释放。




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